IGCP Project 559

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Writing An Abstract For A Research Paper

What are abstracts? An abstract is a summary of some important aspects of a write-up, usually in a paragraph or more. It gives out the purpose of the research, the mode of study, and analysis.

Sometimes, when submitting a project or an article, an abstract is included. With the abstract, a reader will have an idea of what the project is about, to facilitate easy reading. Therefore, in an abstract, the observations, key points, analysis, and other parts that can facilitate immersive understanding must be added. The addition of abstract will lead to the eagerness of the person to read your book

How then do you go about writing a good abstract to improve the look of your abstract?

Writing an abstract is easy and depends on one major factor, which is the type of abstract that you want to include with your work.

Types of paper abstracts

There are mainly four types of abstracts, and the use of each is directed towards a specific kind of project.

  1. Descriptive abstract: this type of abstract does not have much word length. They describe only the purpose and the scope of the project or research in which they are utilized. They also do not feature a conclusion, and they describe the work being summarized
  2. Informative abstract: this type of abstract is used to give out information. It has a length of about 300 to 400 words, and it gives out the information that is contained in a descriptive abstract.
  3. Critical abstract: this provides well-detailed comments about the project or research it is used in. They are longer than descriptive and informative abstracts (with a word length of about 500 words), and with it, the writer elaborates his work by comparing with other writers
  4. Highlight abstract; this type of abstract is written to attract the readers. Usually, they can contain words that are not related to the research or project so that they can spark attention

Writing a good abstract for your research

  • Write down: to ease the process of writing your abstract, it is better first to get what you think down on a piece of paper. This action will alleviate more than half of the problems you might likely face. It also makes adding and elaborating facts as easier as you progress. The words scribbled down can then act as a guide that can be used in forming your abstract. Therefore, it is better to first complete your project, then summarize it base on the aim, results, and conclusion.
  • Formation: to write your abstracts, you must follow the right steps. Abstracts are always written after the title page and must be in a single paragraph in a block format.
  • Composition: due to the position of the abstract, the composition is unique; it should be written in a well-composed structure. An excellent way to go about this is to use phrases that will summarize the contents.
  • the use of long words that can confuse the reader, also avoid the use of redundant phrases, images, and citations.
  • Give a detailed explanation of your mode of research. Do not make use of too many words; however, briefly explain some words you included in the abstract.
  • Write the abstract in simple language, especially the important parts. This is to facilitate readers learning more about your findings.
  • After completing the abstract, note and check all the information you have placed down in writing and make sure they agree with what the main body of your study talks about.

These key findings written above, if carefully followed, would enable you to write a great abstract.